Friday, January 30, 2009

Erin's Kitten

Our daughter sent us this message as part of an email. I couldn’t resist slipping it into the blog. Please don’t tell her as she’d kill me in some darkly comical way if she knew I’d published it.

The kitten is adorable today (so what else is new). She has found a way to get up to our bed and she pounces me every morning as soon as Tom lets her in at 6 or so... I hide my hands and feet and love the feeling of the tiny warm kitten flinging herself at me on top of the duvet. Right now she is licking my plate, which contained a slice of pear tart. Should

be okay for her... but what she really wants is to get onto my keyboard! We go back o the vet tomorrow and I'm not worried because we can tell she's gained a lot of weight. This morning I was doing yoga in our room and she sat at the edge of the mat and just watched--didn't pounce me once. Then, during my final meditation (just a few minutes) I was sitting up with my eyes closed. When I opened them, she had come onto the mat and was sitting just opposite me, straight up and still as a statue, with her little eyes closed too! She is usually a perpetual motion machine in the morning so it was weird and great.

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