Thursday, March 26, 2009

Life Homogenation

As I have reported in this blog previously it’s reached the point where watching the news is deleterious to your health and well being. Turn off the news.

But before you turn off the news do a little experiment. Turn on the NBC, CBS or ABC evening news. Watch one for five minutes and then switch back and forth between the stations.

If you follow through and do what I’m recommending over time you will discover something that I never knew.

For everyone who isn’t willing to turn the news back on or change their news-viewing pattern, as they’re addicted, here’s what you’ll discover.

The hard news stories and the spin on the hard news stories are virtually identical. Sure your favorite has a different talking head but the pictures, film clips and the take on the stories are all the same.

It’s a little distressing in a free country to see three independent networks rapping in harmony.

It doesn’t take much investigation to discover that the reason the news is coming to your television out of cookie-cutter molds is that the networks purchase the news. The pictures are paid for. The film clips are paid for and the analysis or spin on the story is purchased.

It doesn’t matter where they buy the news (Associated Press, Time Warner–CNN) What matters is life homogenation. In this example, it’s news homogenation.

Homogenize: To form by blending unlike elements to make similar.

Another example of life homogination you will readily identify is the malling of America. It used to be every community had some uniqueness to the shopping experience. Then every town got “mauled.” Now I can drop you in just about any mall in America and you won’t know where you are.

Life homogination is bad for shopping and it’s bad for Americans.

If you homogenize the news you will wind up with people who are all similar.

Dissimilarity has always been the strength of America and Americans.

Here’s another example, teaching our children so they can pass a standardized test. If no child is left behind, then the product of our education system is young adults who are homogenized.

I just did a ten-page google search and did not find one other reference to “Life Homogenation.” Therefore, I have decided to take the unilateral and ultra egotistical step of planting my own personal divot on “Life Homogenation” (for myself, for me, for me and mine, everyone else, keep your paws off). As of this moment I have trade marked the term Life Homgenation©*. And here’s to hoping it will make me wealthy beyond my wildest imagination so I can start a non-profit – The Organization To Prevent Life Homogenation (also known as S.I.C.K.).

You may send your donations to me as you know I have a worthy cause for America and who knows; first America, then Earth and finally to the Universe and beyond. Hey, we could start our own cult.

Now drag yourself out in the street right now and scream, “Down with the Homogination of Life!” Down with the homogination of Life!” Down with the Homogination of Life!” – I think that’s enough we’re drawing attention.

* If you should know someone who has already got dibs on “Life Homogenation”, my bad. Hey, I did a ten-page google. Where I come from that is research. What more do you want, originality? Fat chance of that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT!! well put!!