Sunday, January 31, 2010

On to Little Big Horn for Glory! (we've caught them napping)

CHINESE FOOT BINDING (5)Image by Okinawa Soba via Flickr

No man can be a pure specialist without being in a strict sense, an idiot. – George Bernard Shaw

On to Little Big Horn for glory. We’ve caught them napping. – George A. Custer

If you wish to drown, do not torture yourself with shallow water. – Bulgarian proverb

The mouse that hath but one hole is quickly taken. – George Herbert

Once the toothpaste is out of the tube, it’s hard to get it back in. – H.R. Haldeman

To do two things at once is to do neither. – Publilius Syrus

Hindsight is an exact science. – Guy Bellamy

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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Knowing What to Overlook

Day 260: Those Greek Gods are HilariousImage by Anomalily via Flickr

The cobra will bite you whether you call it cobra or Mr. cobra. – Indian proverb

Tell not all you know, believe not all you hear, do not all you are able. – Italian proverb

Wisdom is the power to put our time and our knowledge to the proper use. -–Thomas J. Watson

The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook. – William James

Incomprehensible jargon is the hallmark of a profession. – Kingman Brewster, Jr.

I can mend the break of day, heal a broken heart, and provide temporary relief to nymphomaniacs. – Larry Lee

The man who knows only one subject is almost as tiresome as the man who knows no subjects. – Charles Dickens

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Friday, January 29, 2010

Opportunity’s Natural Assassin

Swift Fox WinkImage by Property#1 via Flickr

Don’t wait for your ship to come in; swim out to it. – anonymous

It is better to begin in the evening than not at all. – English proverb

You can’t escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today. – Abraham Lincoln

Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits. – Thomas Edison

The fox that waited for the chicken to fall off their perch died of hunger. - Greek proverb

Procrastination is opportunity’s natural assassin. – Victor Kiam

Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week. – Spanish proverb

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

I was Expecting This, but Not this Soon

Cropped screenshot of Marilyn Monroe from the ...Image via Wikipedia

Those who make the worst use of their time are the first to complain of its brevity. – Jean de La Bruyere

Half the agony of living is waiting. – Alexander Rose

Three o’clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do. – Jean-Paul Sartre

Effective managers live in the present – but concentrate on the future. – James L. Hayes

I was expecting this, but not this soon. – tomstone inscription – Boot Hill, Arizona

You may ask me for anything you like except time. – Napoleon Bonaparte

I’ve been on a calendar, but never on time. – Marilyn Monroe

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The State of Our Union

Social Security Poster: old manImage via Wikipedia

Tonight is the state of the Union address. I'm going to listen like I've never listened before. Today I watched some of the AIG hearing out of Washington D.C. It was disgusting to know that the state of Goldman Sach's and the upper 10% of our nation have it so good. Plus they get to control the House and Senate.

How about you? How's the state of your union? If it's not so good then it's time to do something about it. Barrack Obama can't do it. The House and Senate won't do it. We must do it.

I believe it's time to walk on Washington and Goldman Sachs and shut down Washington D.C. in a peaceful manner until they understand that we are the voters who put them into office - not Goldman Sachs, not corporations, not lobbyists - The citizens of the U.S. of A.

I received the following in an email and I believe it's true.

From an ER doctor


Remember I live and work in a border state overrun with illegals; they make more money having kids than we earn working fulltime; today I had a 25yr old with 8 kids that’s right 8; all illegal anchor babies and she had the nicest nails;cell phone;hand bag; clothing etc; she makes about 1500 monthly for each; do the math. I used to say “we are the dumbest nation on earth” now I must say and sadly admit: YOU are the dumbest people on earth (that includes me) for we elected the idiot idealogues who have passed the bills that allow this;
sorry; we need a revolution; Vote em all out in 2010.






This is an insult and a kick in the butt to all of us...

Get mad and pass it on - I don't know how, but maybe some good will come of this travesty.
If the immigrant is over 65, they can apply for SSI and Medicaid and get more than a woman on Social Security, who worked from 1944 until 2004.
She is only getting $791 per month because she was born in 1924 and there's a 'catch 22.'
It is interesting that the federal governmentprovides a single refugee with a monthly allowance of $1,890. Each can also obtain an additional $580 in social assistance, for a total of $2,470 a month.
This compares to a single pensioner, who after contributing to the growth and development of America for 40 to 50 years, can only receive a monthly maximum of $1,012 in old age pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement.
Maybe our pensioners should apply as refugees!
Consider sending this to all your American friends, so we can all be ticked off and maybe get the refugees cut back to $1,012 and the pensioners up to $2,470.. Then we can enjoy some of the money we were forced to submit to the Government over the last 40 or 50 or 60 years.And not to receive a increase for 2010 Vote them all out of office…….
Please forward to every American to expose what our elected politicians
have been doing the past 11 years to over-taxed Americans.


This is your Country.
Go to a Tea Party.


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No Manager ever Won No Ballgame

The best executive is the one who has the sense to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it. – Theodore Roosevelt

There are times when even the best manager is like the little boy with the big dog waiting to see where the dog wants to go so he can take him there. – Lee Iacocca

The Lion Tamer School of Management: Keep them well fed and never let them know that all you’ve got is a chair and a whip. – anonymous

If a manager spends more than 10 percent of his time on “human relations” the group is probably too large. – Peter Drucker

No manager ever won no ballgame. – Sparky Anderson

The day will happen whether or not you get up. – John Ciardi

Don’t duck the most difficult problems. That just insures that the hardest part will be left when you’re most tired. Get the big one done – it’s downhill from then on. – Norman Vincent Peale

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

An Idea whose Time has Come

Binta and the Great IdeaImage via Wikipedia

A good manager is best when people barely know he exists. Not so good when people obey and acclaim him. Worse when they despise him. Fail to honor people, they fail to honor you. But of a good manager, who talks little; when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will all say, “We did it ourselves.” – Lao-tzu

Effective management always means asking the right question. – Robert Heller

Nothing in the world is so powerful as an idea whose time has come. – Victor Hugo

It he works for you, you work for him. – Japanese proverb

Managers are people who never put off till tomorrow that which they can get someone else to do today. – anonymous

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Monday, January 25, 2010

Pablo Picasso and an Act of Destruction

picasso 2.0 - the dreamImage by Zadi Diaz via Flickr

Name the greatest of all inventors. Accident. – Mark Twain

Imagination is more important than knowledge. – Albert Einstein

We must either find a way or make one. – attributed to Hannibal

Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction. – Pablo Picasso

To think is to act. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Few people do business well who do nothing else. – Philip Dormer Stanhope

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up. – Pablo Picasso

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Some Men go Through a Forest and See No Firewood

Secret ForestImage by scottpargettphotography via Flickr

The creative person wants to be a know-it-all. He wants to know about all kinds of things: ancient history, nineteenth-century mathematics, current manufacturing techniques, flower arranging, and hog futures. Because he never knows when these ideas might come together to form a new idea. It may happen six minutes later or six months or six years down the road. But he has faith that it will happen. – Carl Ally

Never follow the crowd. – Bernard Baruch

The great majority of men are bundles of beginnings. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Some men go through a forest and see no firewood. – English proverb

The secret of business is to know something that nobody else knows. – Aristotle Onasis

Creativeness often consists of merely turning up what is already there. Did you know that right and left shoes were thought up only a little more than a century ago. – Bernice Fitz-Gibbons

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Beware of Enterprises that Require Clothes

nudist girl getting ready to ride a horse on t...Image via Wikipedia

Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world. – Arthur Schopenhaurer

Institutions mistake good intentions for objectives. They say “health care;” that’s an intention, not an objective. – Peter Drucker

Any man who selects a goal in life which can be fully achieved has already defined his own limitations. – Cavett Robert

Nothing is so commonplace as to wish to be remarkable. – Oliver Wendell Holmes

He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how. – Friedrich Nietzsche

To open a business is very easy; to keep it open is very difficult. – Chinese proverb

Beware of enterprises that require new clothes. – Henry David Thoreau

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Friday, January 22, 2010

Men are like Nails

NailsImage via Wikipedia

Great ideas need landing gear as well as wings. – C.D. Jackson

Man’s mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions. – Oliver Wendell Holmes

Go as far as you can see, and when you get there, you will see farther. – anonymous

Businesses planned for service are apt to succeed; businesses planned for profit are apt to fail. – Nicholas M. Butler

Men, like nails, lose their usefulness when they lose direction and begin to bend. – Walter Savage Landor

We clamor for equality chiefly in matters in which we ourselves cannot hope to obtain excellence. – Eric Hoffer

Let us not be too particular. It is better to have old secondhand diamonds than none at all. – Mark Twain

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

When it’s Not so Good, It’s still Good

Better Than Sex album coverImage via Wikipedia

I often quote myself; it adds spice to my conversation. – George Bernard Shaw

It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations. – Winston Churchill

Business is like sex. When it’s good, it’s very, very good; when it’s not so good, it’s still good. – George Katona

Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try. – Anonymous

Our greatest glory is not in never failing but in rising up every time we fail. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

A single idea, if it is right, saves us the labor of an infinity of experiences. – Jaques Maritain

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

If Rats are Experimented on, They will Develop Cancer

X-ray fine art photography of needlefish by Pe...Image via Wikipedia

If rats are experimented on, they will develop cancer. – Morton’s Law

What sir, would you make a ship sail against the wind and currents by lighting a bonfire under her deck? I pray you excuse me. I have no time to listen to such nonsense. – Napoleon Bonaparte

Rail travel at high speeds is not possible because passengers, unable to breathe, would die of asphyxia. – Dionysius Lardner

Radio has no future.
Heavier-than air flying machines are impossible.
X-rays will prove to be a hoax.
I have not the smallest molecule of faith in aerial navigation other than ballooning. – William Thompson, Lord Kelvin

The rule on staying alive as a forecaster is to give ‘em a number or give ‘em a date, but never give ‘em both at once. – Jane Bryant Quinn

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nothing Endures but Chance

1995 film posterImage via Wikipedia

A hundred years ago, Hester Prynne of The Scarlet Letter was given an “A” for adultery. Today, she would rate no better than a “C-plus.” – Peter DeVries

Nothing endures but chance. – Heraclitus

When a thing is done, it’s done. Don’t look back. Look forward to your next objective. – George C. Marshall

All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous, unpremeditated act without benefit of experience. – Henry Miller

There’s a world market for about five computers. – Thomas J. Watson (founder of IBM)

I don’t set trends. I just find out what they are and I exploit them. – Dick Clark

An extrapolation of the trends of the 1880s would show today’s cities buried under horse manure. – Norman Macrae

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Monday, January 18, 2010

Shoes Too Small and Foolishness

U.S. Patent . The first electric power plug an...Image via Wikipedia

There can be no progress if people have no faith in tomorrow. – John F. Kennedy

The most distinguished hallmark of the American society is and always has been change. Eric Sevareid

Just the other day I listened to a young fellow sing a very passionate song about how technology is killing us and all. But before he started, he bent down and plugged his electric guitar into the wall socket. – Paul Goodman

There is more to life than increasing its speed. – Mohandas K. Gandhi

This is the great folly of grown ups – wanting what lasts, wanting to last. Only two things last: shoes too small and foolishness. – Minou Drouet

All movements go too far. – Bertrand Russel

I know no way of judging the future but by the past. – Patrick Henry

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

To Change and to Improve are Two Different Things

The fence around a cemetery is foolish, for those inside can’t come out and those outside don’t want to get in. – Arthur Brisbane

The fear of death is the greatest compliment we pay to life. – Anonymous

There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval. – George Santayana

An idealist believes the short run doesn’t count. A cynic believes the long run doesn’t matter. A realist believes that what is done or left undone in the short run determines the long run. – Sydney J. Harris

Life Can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. – Soren Kierkegaard

To change and to improve are two different things. – German proverb

Only the wisest and the stupidest of men never change. – Confucius

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Fishkill

Today, something different - An excerpt from a screenplay by F.W. Belland and Alan H. Bush - The Fishkill

Log Line - A boy’s unconditional love for his alcoholic, widowed father, a war hero, takes him into an adult world. They confront authority and nature in a small coastal fishing village. Father and son find redemption in the legend of the Fishkill.

This story is the Anti-Avatar - all story and not one special effect-

In the distance, a vessel exits the harbor.
Nearing a navigation buoy, four figures and a dog crowd the
upper steering platform.
The tired thirty-five foot, wooden work-boat cruises through
mangrove-covered islands.
The EXHAUST WARBLES as the stern dips gently up and down in
the sea. Blue exhaust smoke clears; the stern of the boat
reveals the name "Galilee."
BING, a fair-haired boy of eleven, looks at BEN CURRY
(PAPADAD) - a large, unshaven, ruggedly handsome, dark-haired
man about thirty-five.
The bow glides into the shallows and the anchor splashes in
the water.
A wild-looking black man, wearing a tattered straw hat and
dripping pints of sweat, UNCLE HARRIS pounds a trash lid with
a rusted iron pipe.
Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!
He bursts through the underbrush followed by NAIL, a red,
smooth-coated hound of mixed-breeding.
ITCHY GEORGE, a gangly, sunburned fellow of twenty-two hangs
on the end of a tattered rope. George leans back resisting
Nail's exuberance.
A majestic buck with a mature rack of antlers stands grazing.
The buck stops eating, looks up.
Sitting on an olive-drab military blanket, Bing loads the
gun. Papadad helps Bing lock the barrels.
The buck shows his first signs of apprehension as he moves
forward cautiously. His white tail raised in alarm, he stops
and stands totally still listening to the BAYING and FAINT
Nail follows the trail, yapping in anticipation. Itchy
George releases her and she's off in pursuit.
The buck moves away from the METALLIC SOUNDS at a trot.
Papadad places a piece of army blanket on the crumbling wall
and lays the gun across it. He looks toward the dune where
the SOUNDS of the BEATERS comes ever closer.
Shoo, boy. This is going to be
almost too easy.
The NOISE of the BEATERS nears. The buck, in a panic, runs
south toward the end of Sebastian Island.
Nail, at the spot where the deer stood, eagerly pursues the
The deer crashes through saw palmettoes.
Papadad physically positions Bing and puts the gun in his
hands. Bing focuses on the path and the dune beyond.
Bing blinks a few times in anticipation.
Papadad, close behind.
He's going to stop before he
gets to the channel and think
a spell.
The path ahead of the deer widens, and as he moves into the
open, he stops.
The deer stands next to the dune, scanning the open terrain
leading to the beach and other islands in the chain.
The buck stands statue-still, sniffing and watching.
Nail's BARKING AND YAPPING gets ever closer. The deer
cautiously moves forward into the kill zone, a clearing.
Bing moves the sight blade between the twin bores to follow
the forward shoulder of the buck.
Then, as Papadad had said it would, the deer stops.
Papadad's hands now rest on Bing's shoulders.
Easy, boy. Easy.
The buck's head raises and arches to the front. Its head
drops and the animal takes a step, and another, toward the
channel. He stops again.
Now, son.
Bing grasps the side hammers and draws them back. The CLICKS
SOUND LOUD but the buck remains motionless. Bing aligns the
deer in his sight.
The deer's shoulder, neck and head.
(sotto with
Shoot, boy. Shoot!
The muzzle of the gun elevates toward the sky as BOTH BARRELS
The recoil knocks Bing into his father and they fall to the
cistern's floor.
Papadad struggles mightily to get up and jumps to his feet.
The deer leaps in a high arc propelling him halfway across
the channel. He lands, hooves flailing the water, head and
rack high, and scrambles through the shallows to the far
bank. He disappears into the mangrove thicket like a ghost.
Papadad, eyes on where the deer was, pulls off his rag hat
and slaps it against the side of his leg in frustration.
Nail breaks into the clearing racing to the edge of the
Her nose searches to her right and left for the scent on the
beach. Panting hard, she sits on her tucked tail at the
water's edge and yowls mournfully.
She focuses on the mangrove-covered island across the
Itchy George and Uncle Harris come trotting across the
clearing more winded than the mutt, looking lost.
They stop to get their breath and then walk slowly to Bing
and Papadad.
There's an uncomfortable silence.
It's my fault.
Uncle Harris stands quietly with Nail, viewing everything
with detachment. Itchy George stares down on Bing.
You missed? From here?
Itchy George turns and looks, reconstructing the shot Bing
must have had. He takes off his rag hat, scratches his head
and turns to Bing:
Boy, nobody could miss from here.
I did.
(rubbing his belly)
Boy, we run that deer a mile and
a half through the woods to this
narrow neck. You must have got
a piece... I heard both
Bing looks down at his shoes. Itchy George slaps his rag hat
violently against his leg modeling Papadad's frustration.
Bing's man enough to shoot;
he's man enough to miss. Whatever
the reason.
Only one reason you miss that
Itchy George circles Bing in a predatory manner.
Bing said he was sorry.
If I missed that shot, my Pa'd
beat me good.
Papadad turns to face Itchy George.
Itchy, I see your lips flappin'.
If you're gone soft from bein' all
head shot in the war, I can do it.
Ben glares at Itchy.
You lay one finger on my
(focuses on Ben)
Then I'll whip your crippled
ass first.
Itchy George starts toward Papadad, his arms wide.
Papadad stands his ground.
Bing calmly breaks open the shotgun's barrels, pulls out a
discharged shell and drops a fresh one into the chamber. He
Itchy hesitates, then stops.
(focuses on Bing)
Easy there, old Bing.
No one hurts my Pa.
Careful, boy.
Itchy's just bein' itchy.
Bing relaxes for a split second.
Itchy smiles and starts forward.
Bing doesn't hesitate. He pulls the left hammer with a LOUD
CLICK and points the gun at Itchy's belly.
I won't miss... twice.
Itchy stops in his tracks but he doesn't back off. He can't
look Bing down so he turns his head for Papadad to intervene.
I think he means it.
Itchy looks to Uncle Harris.
Now don't you be so hard on the
boy, George. Everybody musses up
Itchy looks at Papadad.
I think you better apologize.
He looks at Bing.

If you would like to read The Fishkill contact me at

The Fishkill has been a top-ten finalist two years in a row in the drama division of the Page International screenplay competitions. Each year there have been more than 1,000 dramas enterred.

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Friday, January 15, 2010

To Give Up Enthusiasm Wrinkles the Soul

Depiction of a soul being carried to heaven by...Image via Wikipedia

The best thing about getting old is that all those things you couldn’t have when you were young you no longer want. – Earl Wilson

A man is not old till regrets take the place of dreams. – John Barrymore

A person is always startled when he hears himself seriously called an old man for the first time. – Oliver Wendell Holmes

Nobody grows old by living a number of years. People grow old by deserting their ideals. Years wrinkle the skin; but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, doubt, self-distrust, fear and despair – these are the long years that bow the heart and turn the greening spirit back to dust. – Anonymous

To retire is the beginning of death. – Pablo Casals

When a man retires and time is no longer a matter of urgent importance, his colleagues generally present him with a watch. – Robert C. Sherriff

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Time to Blockade Goldman Sachs and Washington D.C.

If you agree with what I'm about to say, please pass this on to everyone you know.

If it's true that Goldman Sachs:

1. Packaged CDO's (the vile instruments of financial mass destruction that have caused so much grief) filled with toxic mortgages based on the fact that they had home owners financial information (mortgage papers include social security numbers)

2. They induced AIG to give these pitiful instruments AAA ratings (for a price)(i.e. they got a seal of approval for absolute crap)

3. They then sold these CDO's to pension funds and others reperesenting U.S. citizens.

4. They then bet against their own Frankenstein creations via the stock market. An easy bet as they knew how much crap they had jammed into the CDO's.

5. They then accepted government bailout money negotiated by former Goldman Sach's employees.

In other words if Goldman Sachs:
Processed crap.
Got an official seal of approval for what they knew was absolute crap.
Sold crap as AAA rated filet mignon.
Bet against their own AAA crap.
Allowed their tame politicians and former employees to give them a special TARP bonus for cleaning up the mess produce by their crap.

Then Goldman Sach deserves what I'm going to recommend - Banishment.

If these 5 statements are true then there are evil geniuses at Goldman Sachs who have commited:
1. Unspeakable Acts against the American public and their own country. Treachery of the most vile nature for money.
2. Unethical Acts of the most heinous nature.
3. Fraud against these United States and the American public.

The problem is that Goldman Sachs (and other financial firms) have purchased our Congress and our Senate via campaign contributions and through their lobbyists. (There was more money spent in 2009 on lobbying than ever before)

So if this is all true, how should Goldman Sachs and their employees be punished?

If we leave it to our elected representatives and their bosses at Goldman Sachs they will be punished by receiving massive financial rewards (bonuses) and the reinforcement to do this again. And again. And again.

How should the American public reward this behavior? March on Goldman Sachs and Washington D.C. and shut this mess down. In a peaceful show of power let's stand together and demonstrate that this is still our country and we're not going to let a few bankers destroy our freedom.

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That is the Great Fallacy: the Wisdom of Old Men

American author Ernest Hemingway with Pauline,...Image via Wikipedia

If you’ve never seen a real, fully developed look of disgust, just tell your son how you conducted yourself when you were a boy. – Frank McKinney

The old believe everything; the middle-aged suspect everything; the young know everything. – Oscar Wilde

I’m at the age where food has taken the place of sex in my life. In fact, I’ve just had a mirror put over my kitchen table. – Rodney Dangerfield

Middle age: When you’re sitting at home on Saturday night and the telephone rings and you hope it isn’t for you. – Ogden Nash

The years between fifty and seventy are the hardest. You are always being asked to do things, and yet you are not decrepit enough to turn them down. – T.S. Eliot

Work is the basis of living. I’ll never retire. A man’ll rust out quicker than he’ll wear out. – Colonel Harland Sanders

That is the great fallacy; the wisdom of old men. They do not grow wise, they grow careful. – Ernest Hemingway

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Age is not Important Unless you’re a Cheese

Saint Francis ChurchImage by janusz l via Flickr

George Bernard Shaw was 94 when one of his plays was first produced.
Benjamin Franklin was a newspaper columnist at 16 and a framer of the United States Constitution when he was 81.
You’re never too young or too old if you’ve got talent. Let’s recognize that age has little to do with ability.

No matter how old you get, if you can keep the desire to be creative, you’re keeping the man-child alive. – John Cassavetes

The four stages of man are infancy, childhood, adolescence, and obsolescence. – Art Linkletter

The ten best years of a woman’s like are between the ages of twenty-nine and thirty. – Peter Weiss

Age is not important unless you’re a cheese. – Helen Hayes

No man is ever old enough to know better. - Holbrook Jackson

You’ve heard of the three ages of man: youth, middle age, and “you are looking wonderful.” – Francis Joseph Spellman

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Unless I’ve got his Pecker in my Pocket

Johnson gives "The Treatment" to 90-...Image via Wikipedia

The liar’s punishment is not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else. – George Bernard Shaw

If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything. – Mark Twain

Be always sure you are right – then go ahead. – Davy Crocket

Doing what’s right isn’t the problem. It’s knowing what’s right. – Lyndon B. Johnson

Trust in Allah, but tie your camel. – Arab proverb

I never trust a man unless I’ve got his pecker in my pocket. – Lyndon B. Johnson

He who speaks the truth must have one foot in the stirrup. – Armenian proverb

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Monday, January 11, 2010

Be Good and You will become Lonesome

Mark Twain (penname of Samuel Langhorne Clemen...Image via Wikipedia

God is really another artist. He invented the giraffe, the elephant, and the cat. He has no real style. He just goes on trying other things. – Pablo Picasso

A man becomes like those whose society he loves. – Hindu proverb

The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. – Walter Bagehot

Be good and you will become lonesome. – Mark Twain

Remember: one lie does not cost you one truth, but the truth. – Friedrich Hebbel

Trust everybody but cut the cards. – Finley Peter Dunne

Never trust a man who speaks well of everybody. – John Churton Collins

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

There Can be No Courage Unless You’re Scared

Alice Roosevelt Longworth and her grand-daught...Image via Wikipedia

The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit. – Moliere

I have a simple philosophy. Fill what’s empty. Empty what’s full. Scratch where it itches. – Alice Roosevelt Longworth

Some day each of us will be famous for fifteen minutes. – Andy Warhol

Courage is doing what you’re afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you’re scared. – Eddie Rickenbacker

Home is not where you live, but where they understand you. – Christian Morgenstern

The value of a principle is the number of things it will explain. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Flattery will get you anywhere. – Jane Russell

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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Snore and You Sleep Alone

This is a screenshot of Snow White, a cartoon ...Image via Wikipedia

Men are shits. It hit me when I realized that I wouldn’t take myself out or go to bed with me. – Dustin Hoffman (from the movie Tootsie)

An optimist is a fellow who believes a housefly is looking for a way to get out. – George Jean Nathan

Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone. – Anthony Burgess

A celebrity is a person who works hard all his life to become well known, then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized. – Fred Allen

Animals have these advantages over man: they never hear the clock strike, they die without any idea of death, they have no theologians to instruct them, their last moments are not disturbed by unwelcome and unpleasant ceremonies, their funerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuits over their wills. – Voltaire

Even as a kid I always went for the wrong women. I feel that’s my problem. When my mother took me to see Snow White, everyone fell in love with Snow White. I immediately fell for the wicked queen. – Woody Allen

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Friday, January 8, 2010

We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us

Pogo (comics)Image via Wikipedia

The man who strikes first admits that his ideas have given out. – Chinese proverb

No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another. – Charles Dickens

We have met the enemy and he is us. – Walt Kelly

We are all richer than we think we are. – Michel de Montaigne

Nothing you can’t spell will ever work. – Will Rogers

I used to be Snow White, but I drifted. – Mae West

I’m as pure as the driven slush. – Tallulah Bankhead

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Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Principle Difference Between a Dog and a Man

"Oliver Wendell Holmes in the study of hi...Image via Wikipedia

It is easier to fight for one’s principles than to live up to them. – Alfred Adler

You can fool al of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, and that’s good enough. – Laurence J. Peter

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between a dog and a man. – Mark Twain

In certain trying instances, urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity furnishes a relief denied even to prayer. – Mark Twain

Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people. – Hyman G. Rickover

If man is a minority of one, we lock him up. – Oliver Wendell Holmes

He who fears something gives it power over him. – Moorish proverb

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