Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Devil Makes Girl Scout Cookies

I took the following information from an article entitled: Girl Scout Cookies and your thighs.

- It's fine to talk about moderation, but what if you're one of those people for whom the "suggested serving size" is never enough when it comes to Girl Scout cookies?
Believe it or not, two or three cookies will go a long way when you really savor every bite.

Megrette Hammond, RD, CDE, MEd, executive director of The Center for Mindful Eating and co-author of Discover Mindful Eating, says one way to heighten your mindfulness while eating fattening treats is by changing your sensory environment. For example, to "tune in" when eating a serving of cookies, change up their temperature (by eating cookies straight from the refrigerator or freezer) or texture (eat a crisp cookie, and then a soft cookie).

"We often tune out when we eat the same things over and over again," Hammond says.
Another trick is to "reset" your palate in between bites of cookie by sipping a cup of tea or mineral water. This way, your taste buds will really notice each bite of cookie.
And make sure you're not overly hungry when you open that sleeve of those magical mint cookies. You don’t want to put yourself in a situation that makes it difficult for you to eat a moderate amount, Hammond says. -

Actually this material came from an artilce entitled: Surviving Girl Scout Cookie Season from Web MD written by Elaine Magee and reviewed by Dr. Louis Chang. I’m sure these people are well meaning and caring professionals. They’re just wrong.

I have some advice for you from a lowly veterinarian (to be read as, “not a real doctor”) – When times get crazy raise your head from your foxhole and take a look for yourself. Eating today and today’s economy are prime examples of this.

Here is a truth you need to hear – One of the prime reasons people are fat is the foodstuffs people eat. The day the dietary industrial complex convinced the American people that fat was the enemy was a dark unhealthy day.

Fat is not your enemy. Fat is your friend.

Balance is your friend.

The people who are alive today all had ancestors who were able to survive famine.

And not just one famine. Probably, periodic famine. Multiple famines. Sometimes these famines were general and sometimes they were famines of only one nutrient. This is built into your genome because only the people who survived these famines passed on their genes.

We’re designed to survive famines. Famines of all varieties.

When you send an artificial message to your body that famine has arrived, how does your body react?

I would go further and say that what’s diagnosed, today, as type two diabetes is a natural part of the human body designed to promote survival during times of famine.

People were not designed to work 60-80 hours a week. Our ancestors in the times of hunting and gathering probably worked about 20-22 hours a week.
And what did they do the rest of the time? They partook of rituals and personal interaction, preparing meals, playing games, having fun and fooling around. They had the time to enjoy their lives. Enjoy their families. And how many children do you think they had and how many were they able to raise and educate? Mortality and child mortality were higher, so they had a few extra. And what did they eat?

They ate what was available at that moment.

People’s bodies are designed to work properly under an amazing variety of situations.

People were not designed to be under the constant stress of long work hours and constant fear, like the fear of debt and the fears of losing your job and home. Your adrenal glands were designed for occasional fight and flight reactions. When you ran into a bear your adrenal glands filled your body with epinephrine and you ran like hell or fought like hell.

Every day the average American is flooding their body with adrenal hormones. And you know what? They’re addictive. You actually, at first, feel better because of a frantic stress-filled life. But when your adrenal glands are exhausted, you’re done. Toasted. Ever wonder why you have times you feel extreme exhaustion? And how do you react to it?

The modern world, with all its time saving devices, forces you to work longer and harder to pay the bills. Working longer and harder, to the point of exhaustion, used to go by another name – Slavery.

Today’s America was designed by a small number of people who own 80% of the wealth. It was designed to enslave you through debt. I don’t believe these people even realize they’re doing it. It’s often the result of trying to squeeze ever-improving results from their businesses and the very nature of the corporation. They believe they’re helping. Creating jobs. Building a better America and a better world.

And the people who make cookies and foods with no soul believe they’re doing the right thing.

Fat is mother nature’s helper. When you eat something with fat or protein your body says, “That was good and I’m feeling full. I feel better. Thank you. I think I’ll have a nap.”

Fat makes your body feel a sense of satiety. When you don’t get enough fat or protein your body says, “Hey, that wasn’t satisfying. I’m not full. Feed me.”

And it’s not just one cell (your body is made up of millions of microscopic living building blocks called cells) in your body calling for more. It’s every cell that’s deficient in any nutrient it needs. If a cell is shorted on any vital ingredient, and the transport system’s not bringing what it needs, it send out a message. “Help me now. I desperately need…”

Your brain has lots of fatty material. What does it call for? It calls for energy. It calls for fat. It calls for every nutrient it needs to function at it’s best. A low fat, no fat diet doesn’t make your brain happy.

And when we are stressed and the brain distressed what happens if your brain discovers alcohol or drugs? How does it react? Give Me Some More.

By eating the processed low carbohydrate food you are fooling your body in a way that promotes weight gain. When you send a message to your body that there’s not enough food (i.e. commonly called dieting) your body reacts and ultimately says, “Gee, when times are good again I better pack on a few extra extra reserves because the next time there’s famine I might not survive.” And what form do those extra reserves take? Your body must think fat is an important survival resource.

And what does repeatedly sending famine messages do to you?
Your body (and every cell within your body) is motivated by survival. Do you think you have the will power to overcome every cell in your body?

Have you ever noticed when you sit down and eat something that’s 99.9% carbohydrate in no time you want more? And more?

Today we live longer, but are we living?

Mother nature wants a sense of balance. We can survive lots of different eating situations but your body was never designed for grocery stores.

Do the following - When it’s Girl Scout cookie season buy two boxes. Two boxes of your favorites. If in doubt, buy three. Sit down and eat the whole sleeve. Feel that sense of being alive and happy. Now, don’t buy any more. And don’t buy any product that says “low fat” or “reduced fat” These are the products of well meaning people who are wrong.

Better yet, when you are going to have cookies three times a year, bake them yourself with the best ingredients. Enjoy them. Send your body a message that says, “Times are good. We’re happy.”

Send every cell in your body what it needs.

Now get out there and have fun. It doesn’t cost much to do fun stuff that you create for yourself. Go for a walk with your kids. Go for a bike ride.

Start slow. If you over do, every cell in your body will send a message that says, “Don’t do that again.” Or, you might just die. It happens.

And sure your kids will complain. They’ll get over it. With a little practice, they’ll enjoy the outside. They’ll enjoy exercise.

You don’t need a new car. You need some balance in your diet. You need balance in your life.

If you catch yourself using the word diet as a verb, stop, say the word “cancel” out loud. Then ask yourself: can I overcome the needs and desires of every cell in my body?

Play. Have rituals. Eat good foods. Fool around. Send your cells every nutrient they need. Don’t mess with Mother Nature.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best advice I've ever heard!! :)