Tuesday, December 2, 2008

America: Land of the Free, Home of the Brave?

On Black Friday, appropriately named, a Wal-Mart employee, Jdimytai Damour (34) was trampled by a frenzied group of shoppers on Long Island.

Prior to the doors opening the crowd of 2,000 had been chanting "Push the doors in! Push the doors in!" And when the doors were opened the "out of control" shoppers took the doors off their hinges and in the process of storming the entrance knocked down Mister Damour. Crushed him. Caused him a fatal heart attack.

When told they had to leave because an employee had been killed, some responded with, "I’ve been on line since –

And they kept right on shopping.

Shopping for life changing products like:
$798 Samsung 50" plasma HDTV
$28 Bissell upright vacuums
$8 men’s Wrangler Tough Jeans
$9 DVD’s of the Incredible Hulk

Once the store was cleared of shoppers and the carnage cleaned it reopened at 1:00 PM and was packed within minutes.

What does this tragedy have to do with Dark Comedy/Black Comedy?

There’s always the sitter, "I’d rather die than pay $9 for a DVD of the Incredible Hulk."

Here are some comments I read that were attached to a local news article:

"There wasn’t anything special that day. They had the absolute worst service. I went to Best Buy and got in and out in 15 minutes and they had a much larger selection."

"The entire country has become nothing but mindless zombies addicted to bad television shows, worse music and the power of suggestion. Marketing and advertising, in conjunction with media, controls the minds of America. They proved it by getting Obama elected."

"Help is on the way. Obaminos and the Pelosi-Reed cabal have pledged to shut down all Wal-marts so that this stuff never happens again. It’s for the sake of the children."

"Moooo, get along little doggies."

"This is all the more reason I shop online. Shop online – you get the same deals and even if you have to pay for shipping it’s worth not getting killed."

"It’s Bush’s fault because of the low gasoline prices having enabled people to get to the store."

Need I say more?

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